TOUCH DOWN (time out)
TOUCH DOWN (time out) chooses as investigation ground the sideline of US universities and as topic their popular icons: the cheerleaders. Now unavoidable figures of this ritual, they have a central part in the sport/show ceremony: fill the void of downtime.
Maud Blandel makes the most of the last week-end of the exhibition « Nous sommes foot » (We are soccer) to try out the stage piece TOUCH DOWN by readapting it in a museum version. The Mucem visitors will meet these dancers with permanent smiles who, during 6 hours, lose their breath while filling the void. The piece will be activated or not, depending on the route of the audience. TOUCH DOWN has been shown in its stage version at the Merlan, national stage, on 30 January as part of Parallèle —6.
En coréalisation avec le Mucem
Avec le soutien de Pro Helvetia
Maud Blandel animera un atelier de pratique artistique pour enfants au Théâtre de l’Œuvre.
Plein tarif 9.5 € | Tarif réduit 5€ (billet d’entrée aux expositions)
Réservation et achat sur place auprès du Mucem |