Video recordings | Professional acces

Published on 04 June 2024
Since 2011, Parallèle has been offering festival artists who request it, the opportunity to have their work filmed by a professional video artist specialized in the performing arts, Louison M. Vendassi.. Indeed, we consider a good recording to be one of the first tools for disseminating projects. This approach can continue in the current tense economic climate, thanks to the ONDA - Office national de diffusion artistique, as part of its support for digital productions that complement performing arts works.

For the Festival Parallèle 14, we produced video recordings of the following works:  Kid #1 by Joachim Maudet, Masterpiece by Luisa Fernanda Alfonso, Album de chorégraphies Karima El Amrani, a capella by Dorothée Munyaneza, Entepfuhl by Alina Arshi, Outrar by Calixto Neto, Swan Lake Solo by Olga Dukhovna and FIRE OF EMOTIONS - NIAGARA 3000 by Pamina de Coulon.

Viewing the recordings requires a password and it reserved for programmers. If you would like to view one or more videos, please write to us at

This is, of course, with the agreement of the artists concerned.