The Divine Comedy, the new creation of VASISTAS theatre group-Argyro Chioti [artists supported in production and in distribution] will be presented on 16th and 17th January 2018 at the festival Les Vagamondes in Mulhouse.
A spiritual road trip through three key steps: Hell, Purgatory, Heaven. The stage approach focuses on the autobiographic notion of the text by Dante, his hallucinatory travel in the world of the dead. From the massive mystic trilogy, the company creates a version with a concentrated language, focusing their work on intimate and personal passages. They convey the taxing path of a man, Dante, the dark experiences of life, the painful moments and bright escapes; from falling into the world of the dead to exiting towards the light. On stage, a core of performers unfurls the story, developing the narrative codes of VASISTAS company, based on the expressive potential of the body and the ensemble aspect. A string quartet will conjugate modern minimalism and electronic music, thus creating a spellbinding stage experience.
A project by VASISTAS theatre group
Production Onassis Cultural Centre—Athens | Coproduction Le Théâtre Gymnase- Bernardines—Marseille | Coordination de la production et diffusion internationale Parallèle — Plateforme pour la jeune création internationale