Manon Avram - Collectif
Intérieurs Nuit / Extérieurs Jour
Manon Avram - Collectif
Choregraphy Manon Avram with Bertrand Lombard, Séverine Bauvais et Gilbert Traïna elaboration of the course : Amanda Diaz et Manon Avram visual creation : Nicolas Clauss light creation : Julien Soulatre sound creation : Stephan Krieger, Jérome Lapierre general and video state control : Manuel Buttner with : Bertrand
Lombard, Séverine Bauvais, Patrice Sansot, Lynda Boufrouk, Manuel
Buttner, Gilbert Traïna, Jamela Maaméri, Léticia Delvas, Amanda Diaz and Manon Avram with the participation as volunteers: El Hadi Guidoum, Pierre Audouard, Angélique Huguenin, Shérifa Harzallah et Jean-Yves Lemenn
Manon Avram and the collective invite us to an unusual meeting with the other "unknown". A walk through the premises of la Friche la Belle de Mai, a former tobacco factory, alongside a blind dancer. This private trip is both sensitive and poetic. An experience that changes our bearings by making this other "unknown" as our only support. How can you speak about a world you cannot see? This question is at the core of Interiors night / exteriors day, halfway between installation and performance, multimedia arts and movement.
production : Images en action, Cie coproduction : ZINC-Friche La Belle de Mai, Vélo théâtre, 3bisf, Citron Jaune, Entrepont (Dispositif Tridanse 2012-2013), Médiathèque de l’Alcazar - section lire autrement, Regard’en France, Association La Luciole supports : ADAMI, Fondation de France, DGCA et SACD, Conseil Général des Bouches-du- Rhône (DSU), DICREAM, Caisse d’Epargne Provence-Alpes-Corse, SPEDIDAM, Fondation Orange, conseil régional PACA, DRAC PACACollectif received the support of Ville de Marseille and Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône
This rerun is a coproduction KOMM’N’ACT/ZINC